
Got tired of the dysfunctional Flixter Facebook app. Grading movies A-F. Only movies that I find interesting, but not necessarily high quality. Some blockbusters, some interesting rarities and oddities, and occasionally some turkeys.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Night Watch: Excellent Russian movie!

Night Watch  Ночной дозор (Nochnoy Dozor) (2004)

It's the fight between the ancient magical Dark Force and Light Force set in modern Moscow. A thousand-year treaty between the forces has maintained a balance of power. The "Others" are humans with supernatural powers who work for either the Dark as Day Watchers, or the Light as Night Watchers, maintain the truce. But it doesn't stop either side from hatching plans that would give them an advantage.

The story is also about a cold war, where thousand years of cease-fire have developed a strict set of administrative rules, to make sure to keep the balance of power between the Dark and Light, between werewolves, vampires, magicians, witches and "shape shifters". Set against the backdrop of political intrigue and egoism, nothing and no one are ever quite what they seem.

There are no real altogether good people, and no genuine evil ones; the sides are not that different. And, more importantly, it is almost impossible to know who is actually right. By trying to do good the Light force also unleash great evil upon the world. And the Dark side only advocates total freedom. They do not destroy for evil, but to increase personal freedom, and they do have a point. In short, it's a world made up of gray, and you are left to decide for yourself what is right and wrong.

The story is seen from Anton, a somewhat averagely talented "Other" Night Watch agent. One night, while on patrol trying to rescues a young boy who got himself into trouble, he stumbles on a young woman who unknowingly is under a Dark Magician's curse. If she dies, the city will die with her. If she lives, even worse may befall the world. But there is something about that boy...

Nochnoy Dozor is an original and refreshing dark tale of the eternal battle between good and evil. The fight between Dark and Light is more allegorical than literal. It does not move into the technical meaningless psychobabble many Hollywood fantasy movies do, thus keeping much of the magic alive.

There are no real heroes. Anton has a "life sucks, so deal with it and don't whine" underlying attitude that I like.

The movie has great special effects and the unpredictable story is very engaging. It manages to combine fantasy with a political thriller: vampires and shape-shifters battling it out cold war style. It is really interesting to see how the distinction between good and evil is actually very blurred.

It’s a very Russian tale and very refreshing, like a 21st century Bulgakov or Strugatski.

(Note: I saw the original Russian release with English subtitles. The international dubbed version is 10 minutes shorter. And it does help if you have read the book.)

Grade: A
(Note: Upgraded the score 2017-05-14. I realized it's ageing very well.)

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